Calling the server

Enough of building an app with five beers in a hard-coded dataset! Let’s fetch a larger dataset from our server using one the power of Fetch API.


Our new dataset is now a list of 11 beers stored in JSON format in the data/beers/beers.json, available to your browser at the URL or simply here.


    "alcohol": 6.8,
    "description": "A reddish-brown abbey ale brewed with dark malts. The secondary fermentation gives a fruity aroma and a unique spicy character with a distinctive aftertaste. Secondary fermentation in the bottle.",
    "id": "AffligemDubbel",
    "img": "beers/img/AffligemDubbel.jpg",
    "name": "Affligem Dubbel"

The Fetch API

We will use the Fetch API to make an HTTP request to your web server to fetch the data in the app/beers/beers.json file. The Fetch API is an interface for fetching resources (including across the network). It will seem familiar to anyone who has used XMLHttpRequest, but the new API provides a more powerful and flexible feature set.

We want to load the list of beers at the loading of beer-list component. We can use the created lifecycle hook to do the fetch. As the fetch operation is asynchrone, we use the async / await syntax on the created hook:

created: async function() {
    let fetchResult
    fetchResult = await fetch('../../data/beers/beers.json');
    if (fetchResult.status == 200) {
        this.beers = await fetchResult.json();

And now we get the full list of beers:

{{ message }}

Showing more information

As now we recover more information for each beer (an id and an image URL), we are going to modify beer-list-item element to show it.

We begin by adding the missing properties to props:

props: [ 'name', 'description', 'alcohol', 'id', 'img' ],

We cannot use directly the img property of the beer, because it’s a relative path from data folder. We need to transform it to a path relative to the root of the application. To do it, we can use a computed property, a property whose value depends on another property or properties.

Let’s add a computed property imgUrl to the beer-list-item component:

computed: {
    imgUrl: function() {
        if (!this.img) {
        return `../../data/beers${this.img}`;

Then we modify the template:

<div v-bind:id="id" class="clearfix">
    <img class="float-right el-img" v-bind:src="imgUrl">
    <h2 class="el-name">{{name}}</h2>
    <p class="el-description">{{description}}</p>
    <p class="pull-right el-alcohol">Alcohol content: {{alcohol}}%</p>

And add the missing information in beer-list:

<div class="beers">
    <div class="beer" 
            v-for="beer in filteredAndSorted(beers,filterText,criterium,descendingSort)">

Now we can add some CSS styles to make it look well, and see the result:

Now that you have loaded beer data from a server-side JSON file, go to step 7 to learn how to add the details of each beer.